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J200 LA Instrument

J200 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Instrument

The J200 LIBS instrument is Applied Spectra’s flagship system. It is designed specifically to handle the most demanding trace element analyses — those requiring high sensitivity and accuracy. With a single-digit ppm level detection limit for many elements in the periodic table, the J200 LIBS is an ideal instrument for challenging quantitative elemental analysis with many sample matrices.

The J200 LIBS instrument is well suited for both laboratory analysis and production monitoring applications. The instrument is capable of monitoring single or multiple elements of analytical interest.

With several hardware upgrade options available, the J200 LIBS is configurable to provide different laser ablation environments, thus allowing our customers to perform highly innovative LIBS research. The robust instrument design ensures repeatable measurement results with every laser pulse.

The J200 LIBS instrument uses an Nd:YAG laser for ablating samples. The laser wavelength is carefully chosen to provide the best analytical results for each customer’s unique application. In addition, the type of spectrometer that is best fit for the customer’s applications is included with the instrument, providing solutions unique and appropriate for every analytical situation.

Highlights of the J200 LIBS Instrument:

Optimized plasma light collection

The J200 LIBS incorporates a unique light collection optics design that couples the maximum amount of the plasma light to the detector module. This feature enables the highest possible sensitivity performance.

ASI technology ensures accuracy and repeatability

One of the critical instrument requirements for achieving improved LIBS data precision is a consistent laser focus to the sample surface. With patent-pending ASI hardware technology, our customers are assured that their LIBS measurements are accurate and repeatable.

ASI chemometric software package

ASI’s proprietary chemometric software utilizes a set of highly sophisticated statistical algorithms to add material discrimination capability to our LIBS instruments. Proven through extensive testing of a wide range of materials with different interferences, ASI’s chemometric software package adds another level of analytical capability for our customers.


Software control

All of our J200 series instruments come with Applied Spectra’s powerful Axiom software, which includes our TruLIBS database. Axiom features a simple, intuitive graphical interface that allows multiple users to operate the instrument software with different access privileges. Thus, the same J200 instrument can be used by production line operators to simply run a prepared measurement recipe for routine quality control work, or by the laboratory scientists to perform cutting-edge elemental research.

For more information, contact us for product brochures and specification sheets.

Application Notes

  • Building Confidence for Forensic Glass Analysis with Applied Spectra’s J200 LIBS
  • Chemical Imaging of Ruby-in-Zoisite Gem Rock Using J200 LIBS Instrument
  • Depth Profile Analysis of Solid State Li-Ion Battery Device by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
  • Discrimination of Paint Samples by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
  • Fluorine Analysis Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
  • Geochemical Fingerprinting of Coltan Minerals Using LIBS
  • LIBS for Macronutrient and Micronutrient Analysis in Soil
  • Plant Analysis by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
  • Quantitative Analysis of Steel Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
  • Rapid Analysis of Mining Samples Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
  • Rapid Composition Monitoring of Raw Li-ion Battery Electrode Materials Using the J200 LIBS Instrument
  • Rapid Lead (Pb) Analysis of Thin Solder Plating on Semiconductor Leadframes Using LIBS
  • Reproducible Measurement for Robust Quality Control with the J200 LIBS Instrument

Applied Spectra Technology

Laser ablation



Helium Thermochronology

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