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Laser Plasma Spectroscopy – Dr. Richard E. Russo (SETI Talks)

This webinar explores the use of LA-ICP-MS in analyzing various geological and mineralogical samples, including gold, mining ores, alumina, coal, nickel, cobalt, and related radioactive elements. LA-ICP-MS is particularly valuable for determining the U/Pb ratio, which is crucial for geochronological studies. The discussion will highlight the advantages of LA-ICP-MS in resource exploration, geochemical research, and environmental monitoring.

“Laser in situ elemental and isotopic analysis technique

Applied Spectra, Inc. is pleased to announce our technical webinar on LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) and LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation ICP-MS). Our guest presenter for this webinar is Dr. Yonghoon Lee at Mokpo National University in Mokpo, South Korea. This webinar highlights a use of LIBS as a Drpart of hyphenated techniques along with LA-ICP-MS and other spectroscopies such as reflectance and NIR to significantly enhance classification/discrimination power of food materials and biological samples for disease determination.

“LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) for Hyphenated Analytical Techniques

Applied Spectra is pleased to announce a series of technical webinars to highlight the overall vision of  ClarityNeXtTM, software workflow that results in high productivity and streamlined analysis, and intuitive data processing and visualization tools for powerful quantification and mapping analysis.  This first webinar introduces overall features of Clarity NeXtTM;  All-In- One software that provides everything needed for handling LIBS and LA-ICP based data. This webinar also highlights the Automation Wizard & Player Module of ClarityNeXtTM for automating the entire analysis flow and data output, useful for many QC applications.

Clarity NeXt Webinar #1: Providing Clarity to unveil what comes NeXt”

This seminar will provide an overview on LIBS, LA-ICP-MS and Tandem LA – LIBS technology.  The talk will discuss the basics of LA and LIBS instrumentation and specific advantages of deploying both LIBS and LA-ICP-MS simultaneously to expand elemental coverage and achieve a wider range of concentration based on laser ablation sampling and spectroscopy.  The seminar also highlights specific analytical applications of LIBS, LA-ICP-MS and Tandem LA – LIBS in forensic science, geochemistry, Li-ion battery manufacturing QC and failure analysis, and agriculture.

Laser Ablation (LA) & Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Advanced Technologies”

Dr. Edenir Rodrigues Pereira Filho from Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar – São Paulo State) in Brazil is highlighting a wide range of LIBS application research conducted by his research group since 2013. His R&D was performed using a J200 laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument from Applied Spectra. Univariate and multivariate calibration approaches were proposed to determine several elements in a myriad of samples that include hair, sugarcane, e-wastes and food. The main goal is to present the possibilities that LIBS can offer to solve complex analytical problems.

“Technical Webinar on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)”

Continuing in the series of technical webinars on the benefits of laser ablation with ICP-MS/MS, Applied Spectra and Agilent Technologies are pleased to announce our 2nd webinar on the Advanced Capabilities of Laser Ablation with ICP-MS/MS.  Using hands-on demonstrations using the Agilent 8900 coupled with the Applied Spectra Laser Ablation Instruments, we will also show how interference removal using the ICP-MS/MS technology can be applied to Laser ablation solid sampling.  We will demonstrate direct solid sampling including spatial distribution and mapping capabilities for select industrial materials. By combining the power of the LA-ICP-MS and LIBS, the complete detection including C, H, O, N and F (by LIBS) along with the rest of the periodic table (by ICP-MS) is realized.

 “Advanced Capabilities of Laser Ablation with ICP-MS/MS”

Applied Spectra and Agilent Technologies  presented technical webinar about LA-ICP-MS and Tandem LA-LIBS. This webinar highlighted advanced analytical capabilities of  J200 Tandem LA-LIBS technology from Applied Spectra and 8900 ICP-QQQ from Agilent Technologies. It also features example applications  in the energy storage material, geoscience, and high purity metal analysis.  

 “Discover LA-ICP-MS and Tandem LA-LIBS by Applied Spectra and Agilent Technologies”

This webinar features the innovative LIBS and Tandem LA – LIBS research work by Dr. Yonghoon Lee’s research team at Mokpo National University, Mokpo, South Korea. His LIBS research involves use of LIBS and hyphenated LIBS technique to better characterize geographical origin and quality of edible salts. Dr. Lee’s innovative research approach involving fusion of data and use of chemometric analysis can apply to the similar analysis of many industrial materials

 “Effective Classification of Edible Sea Salts Using LIBS, Tandem LA-ICP-MS & LIBS, and Other Hyphenated Approaches”

This webinar features the research work led by Mr. Lukas Brunnbauer and Dr. Andreas Limbeck at the Institute of Chemical Technologies & Analytics of TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. Dr. Limbeck’s group performs pioneering LIBS and LA-ICP-MS research for analyzing a wide range of materials and in recent times, the group has stayed on the forefront of developing state-of-the-art LIBS and LA-ICP-MS analysis approaches for polymer samples. 

 “Advanced Polymer Analysis using LA-ICP-MS and LIBS”

Applied Spectra, Inc. invites you to attend our outstanding webinar series on laser ablation chemical analysis.  This webinar features the excellent analytical research work led by Dr. Meirong Dong and Dr. Jidong Lu at South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. The research group led by Dr. Dong and Dr. Lu has a rich history of developing Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for rapid characterization of coals and other materials critical in power generation. This webinar is available in both English and Chinese language.  

 “Advanced LIBS Analysis for coal, Fly Ash, and Heat-Resistant Steel”

LIBS와 LA-ICP-MS의 빠른 원소 맵핑 능력은 최근 높은 인기를 얻고 있는 두 가지 분석 기술입니다.
진보된 LA sample cell 디자인, LIBS 데이터 수집 속도, Tandem (LA-LIBS) 장비 플랫폼으로 가능해진 LIBS 및 LA-ICP-MS의 동시 측정은 풍부한 화학 정보를 추출하고 관심원소 및 동위원소의 분포를 신속하게 이해할 수 있는 기회를 제공해 줍니다.  LIBS와 LA-ICP-MS를 통한 분석은 세포 조직이나 다층 박막, 첨단 Li-ion 배터리 소재, 금속 및 지질 광물의 이물질에 대한 원소 선별 및 이미징을 위한 첨단 기법이 되고 있습니다.

“Clarity Image Plus 소프트웨어를 사용한 레이저 어블레이션 화학 이미지 잠재력 공개” (in Korean)

The development and modernization of laser ablation is widespread for geology and geochemical applications. A wide array of applications utilize LA-ICP-MS for geochemical analyses. Spanning both the routine, high throughput applications and the most advanced isotopic and elemental analyses of complex mineral, laser ablation has made significant impacts on the field of geology and geochemistry. This webinar will outline the basics of laser ablation when coupled with ICP-MS and when used in combination with laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). This webinar will present modern examples of applications for mineral chemistry, geochronology and chemical mapping.

(by Alan Koenig)

“Laser Ablation (LA-ICP-MS and LIBS) Applications in Geology and Geochemistry”

It’s now over 35 years since Alan Gray used a ruby laser to ablate pelletized rock samples for subsequent online analysis into an ICP-MS. The available technology both in terms of lasers and associated ICP mass spectrometers have changed a lot in that time.  This webinar will look at how the laser ablation technology for ICP-MS has evolved since its inception by considering the major technological advances that have resulted in improved detection power and an improved level of quantitation.

(by Dr. Steve Shuttleworth)

” A Brief History of Laser Ablation in Spectroscopy”

Clarity Image Plus™ is a powerful way to visualize your elements in your sample. Clarity Image Plus™ works with J200 Instrument’s Clarity data analysis software that processes LIBS and LA-ICP-MS data to produce the clear, instructive, and beautiful maps of your elements in your sample. This software is the final touch that you need to present your LIBS and LA-ICP-MS data in the most powerful way!
In this Webinar, Dr. Jhanis Gonzalez,  Technical Director of Product R&D and Management at Applied Spectra highlights some of the key features of Clarity Image Plus, and how to take your LIBS and LA-ICP-MS elemental imaging to the next level!

Unlocking the Full Potential of Laser Ablation Chemical Imaging Using Clarity Image Plus

Dr. Tatiana Trejos of the Department of Forensic and Investigative Science at West Virginia University highlights some research that has been performed to date to enhance and speed up forensic examinations of materials using LIBS, including gunshot residues, questioned documents, and trace evidence.

Streamlined Elemental Analysis: Applications of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to Forensic Evidence

Dr. Alexander Bolshakov highlights the advantages of our data processing software Clarity for both LA-ICP-MS and LIBS with an emphasis on depth profiling, 2D mapping and 3D imaging by LIBS and Tandem.

Rapid High-Definition 3D Chemical Imaging and Analysis of Microstructures, Spent Catalysts, and Biological and Geological Samples

This free on-demand webinar demonstrates the benefits of using laser ablation for chemical analysis and in particular when using femtosecond lasers.

Laser Ablation for Chemical Analysis Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses

This free on-demand webinar introduces the technology and just a few of the many applications of laser ablation and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS).

Laser Ablation을 활용한 화학원소분석원리와 응용

This Chinese version of our free on-demand webinar introduces the technology and just a few of the many applications of laser ablation and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS).

Chinese Version – Revolutionize Your Chemical Analyses with LA and LIBS

This Korean version of our free on-demand webinar introduces the technology and just a few of the many applications of laser ablation and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS).

Korean Version – Revolutionize Your Chemical Analyses with LA and LIBS

Discover how laser ablation (LA) and Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS delivers high precision isotopic analysis and quantification with precision mass removal.

Korean Version – Femtosecond Laser Ablation for High Precision & Ultra-Sensitive LA-ICP-MS Analysis (Korean Version)

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