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J200 Tandem

J200 Tandem LA-LIBS Instrument

Want it all in one instrument – elemental and isotopic analysis, no sample preparation, and fast throughput? Look no further than the J200 Tandem LA-LIBS instrument, from Applied Spectra. By capturing the emitted light from a laser ablation plasma, the J200 performs rapid spectroscopic analysis while transporting ablated particles to an ICP-MS instrument with high transport efficiency.

This revolutionary analytical technique enables exciting new measurement possibilities: analysis of organic and lighter elements, rapid elemental mapping, normalization of ICP-MS signal with plasma emission, and simultaneous measurement of major/trace elements and isotopes.

The J200 inherits its proven LA instrument design and powerful LIBS technology from Applied Spectra’s trusted line of state-of-the-art products, including our J200 LA and LIBS instruments. By eliminating the cost of gas and laser beam delivery optics replacement, the J200 Tandem drives down the cost of ownership while providing outstanding analytical capabilities.

The J200 Tandem Instrument:

  • Direct LA solid sampling for ICP-MS, LIBS, or both
  • Simultaneous measurement of major/trace elements and isotopes
  • Measurement speed as fast as a few seconds
  • Coverage of elements difficult for ICP-MS such as C, H, O, N, F, etc.
  • Bulk analysis, inclusion analysis, depth profiling, and elemental mapping
  • Extended concentration dynamic range from ppb to % level
  • Easy sampling area ID and selection with dual cameras

Some of the highlights of the J200 Tandem instrument include an option for a compact, modular design, auto sampling height adjustment for uneven sample surfaces, sample chamber optimization for LA measurements, high precision gas flow control, and a dual camera sample visualization system.

Additionally, the J200’s design allows for the configuration of three different LIBS detectors, with a multiple detector option, opening up a wide range of analytical applications in the standalone LIBS mode of the instrument. For more information, contact us for product brochures and specification sheets.

Tandem  LA-LIBS Application Notes

Analysis of Contaminated Plant Leaves Using J200 Tandem LA-LIBS Instrument

This application note highlights how the J200 Tandem LA – LIBS Instrument from Applied Spectra provides powerful elemental imaging for toxic elements such as Pb and As in plant leaves.

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Innovative Elemental Mapping of Geological Minerals with Applied Spectra’s J200 Tandem LA-LIBS

AMapping of Geological Mineralspplied Spectra’s J200 Tandem LA – LIBS instrument extends the elemental imaging capability of traditional laser ablation instruments by harnessing the analysis power of LIBS to cover elements that are challenging for LA-ICP-MS.

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Elemental Mapping of Printed Ink Using the J200 Tandem LA – LIBS Instrument In Combination with ICP-MS

Mapping of Printed InkThis note demonstrates the ability to perform fast elemental mapping using the J200 Tandem instrument.

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Laser ablation



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