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Resolution S155

Industry Leading S155 Sample Cell

Exclusive for RESOlution Laser Ablation Systems, the Laurin Technic S155 laser ablation cell was developed by Michael Shelley, a pioneer in LA-ICP-MS development and formerly of the Australian National University, Research School of Earth Sciences (ANU, RSES). Its design incorporates many sophisticated features that combine to deliver excellent results.

The S155 is the only constant volume, dual volume sample cell available on the market. This unique design ensures that your sample reaches the ICP as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Published results demonstrate that this cell delivers:

  • Fast washout times
  • Outstanding signal sensitivity
  • Highly uniform signal across the entire cell
  • Minimal fractionation

The S155 Laurin Technic laser ablation cell incorporates the same advanced features as the earlier M50A sample cell, with over six times the accessible area.

  • Movement range of 155mm x 105mm
  • Mount up to 20 standard 1” mounts
  • Mount up to 6 full-size thin section slides
  • No performance compromise

Samples in the cell are imaged using a motorised off-axis viewing system and a high resolution camera, all effortlessly controlled via our GeoStar software. All gas controls are completely automated, making sample exchanges easy and safe for the torch. Gas operations are customised to specific ICP requirements using a powerful scripting language.

To assess how this cell will revolutionise your research, please contact us for more information.

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Explore the S155 Sample Cell

The S155 sample cell is based on an advanced dual-volume, contact volume design, and offer a number of high-performance advantages over other commercial cell designs. Some sample cells show marked signal variation across their movement range. The dual-volume design of the M50 and S155, however, ensures that the ablation plume is subjected to the same gas flow regardless of the physical location within the cell. The published results shown here.

Laser ablation cells with fast washout characteristics, like the former M50/M50A and current S155, can sometimes respond too rapidly to a changing ablation signal. This is most notable for analysis at low laser repetition rates, which for Laurin Technic cells is typically 7Hz and below. A smoothing device is then required to smooth out signal fluctuations, and ideally it should retain a fast rise time and washout or some of the advantage of the two-volume cell is lost. The literature shows that many signal smoothing devices.

S155 sample cells are supplied with a range of high-quality sample holders. Beautifully designed and precision machined, these sample holders offer a range of flexible mounting options to suit all samples. Special holder designs are also available, and Laurin Technic can make custom holders to suit your exact needs. All sample holders offer both spring mounting and grub screws.

The noble gas cell is designed to provide an Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) environment for the analysis of nobles gases in geological samples via laser ablation. The cell is mounted on top of an XY stage and enables analysis of multiple samples mounted in two styles of sample holder.

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