Featured Webinar: Laser Ablation (LA-ICP-MS and LIBS) Applications in Geology and Geochemistry
The development and modernization of laser ablation is widespread for geology and geochemical applications. A wide array of applications utilize LA-ICP-MS for geochemical analyses. Spanning both the routine, high throughput applications and the most advanced isotopic and elemental analyses of complex minerals, laser ablation has made significant impacts on the field of geology and geochemistry.

This webinar will outline the basics of laser ablation when coupled with ICP-MS and when used in combination with laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). This webinar will present modern examples of applications for mineral chemistry, geochronology and chemical mapping. Advances in detection such as using LIBS for analyzing elements such as C, H, O, N and F in combination with LA-ICP-MS (Tandem LA-LIBS) which allow simultaneous detection of the entire periodic table will be discussed. Positioning the best possible configuration of wavelength, pulse width and LA system configuration allows for optimized performance across the challenging range of sample types brought to the lab by the geologists. The demand for expanded quantification, enhanced spatial resolution and improved reliability and throughput has brought a number of advances to applications in geology and geochemistry.

Tandem LA-LIBS analysis of apatite (trace elements by LA-ICP-MS and Li & F by LIBS)
The already expansive list of LA-ICP-MS applications in geochemistry will be summarized and new areas of research will be presented. The benefits of simultaneous collection of the LIBS spectra during LA-ICP-MS acquisition will also be discussed. This webinar will provide insight into new advances in trace element and isotopic analyses for geology and geochemistry and will be useful to both advanced users and those interested in learning more about laser ablation.

LA-ICP-MS REE elemental imaging over mineral growth zones
Webinar Schedule
Duration: 1 hr
Webinar Presenter: Mr. Alan Koenig, Technical Director, Global Application at Applied Spectra
Session 1: May 7, 2020 9:00 AM PST – 10:00 AM PST(Open to all: recommended for attendees in the USA, Canada and South America) – Session 1 is full, please register session 2 ~ 4

Session 2: Thursday, May 7, 2020 5:00 PM PST – 6:00 PM PST(Open to all: recommended for attendees in Asia, SE Asia, Australia & India
Session 3: Friday, May 8, 2020 6:00 AM PST – 7:00 AM PST(Open to all: recommended for attendees in Europe)
Session 4: Friday, May 8, 2020 10:00 AM PST – 11:00 AM PST
Who may benefit from this webinar:
- Those already doing LA-ICP-MS but interested in learning more about the benefits of LIBS
- Users of LA-ICP-MS that want an update on the latest technology in terms of wavelength, pulse width, sample chamber design and new developments in data handling
- Those who are users of LA-ICP-MS data but want to learn more about additional applications in geochemistry
- Both beginners and advanced users alike will find the overview of applications useful