Applied Spectra at Goldschmidt 2019
Exciting analytical capabilities powered by the most comprehensive LA product portfolio. Presented at the booth #54, Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona, Spain

Dedicated to Innovations In LASER ABLATION Technology
At Goldschimdt 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, Applied Spectra is presenting the most advanced and comprehensive LA product portfolio with cutting-edge analytical capabilities for your next generation geochemical research. Our products are powered by solid state, excimer gas, and ultrafast femtosecond pulse lasers. And many of our LA products provide Tandem LA – LIBS capability for performing simultaneous LA-ICP-MS and LIBS measurements.
Visit our booth #54 and let us discuss the exciting capabilities that our latest LA and LIBS instruments for your geochemistry analysis.
• J200 Tandem LA–LIBS Instrument – Solid state laser (213 and 266 nm) instrument with on-board LIBS detector. Perform isotope analysis at trace level together with lighter, organic (C, H, O, & N) and halogen elements (F & Cl) with LIBS.
• RESOlution – Cutting-edge excimer gas LA for tough geological samples with minimum fractionation
• J200 Femto Tandem LA – LIBS Instrument – ultimate precision performance for LA-ICP-MS and LIBS delivered by ultrafast laser pulses
• Our LA cell Innovations: FlexTM, VertexTM and S155 Lauren Technic Cell
At our booth, you may recognize some new faces including Mr. Alan Koenig who have recently joined Applied Spectra from USGS (United States Geological Survey) as Director of Global Applications. All of us would love you to visit our booth!
Featured Workshops at Goldschmidt 2019
Title: New Trends in Laser Ablation Based Techniques for Direct Solid Sample Chemical Analysis
Date and Time: Saturday 17th August 08:30-17:00
Instructor: Dr. Jhanis GonZalez
Location: A1.01, UPC- Campus Diagonal -Besos

About the workshop: The workshop covers new trends on Laser Ablation-Based techniques used for the direct analysis of solid samples. The focused techniques are: Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Laser Ablation Molecular Isotopic Spectroscopy (LAMIS), Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (LA-ICP-OES) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS).
Title: Advances in Laser Ablation Carbonate U-Pb Geochronology
Date and Time : Saturday 17th August 08:30 ~ Sunday 18th August 17:00
Instructor: Nick M W Roberts, Catherine Mottram, Perach Nuriel, Axel Gerdes
Location: A1.14, UPC- Campus Diagonal -Besos

About the workshop: Recent advances in laser ablation carbonate U-Pb geochronology have opened up the possibilities for providing timing constraints to a range of previously ‘undateable’ geological materials and processes. These include applications to a variety of geological settings, including, sedimentary deposition and diagenesis, hydrothermal mineralization, pedogenesis, paleohydrology and brittle deformation. The goal of this workshop is twofold: first, to share experiences in analysis, application and interpretation, and second, to review, update, and discuss best practice for laser ablation carbonate U-Pb geochronology methods
Applied Spectra is the proud sponsor of this technical workshop at Goldschmidt 2019!
Notable Presentations from Applied Spectra and our research collaborators
Oral Presentation
Title: Laser Ablation-Based Techniques LIBS, LA-ICP-MS/OES and LAMIS: An Ideal Toolbox for Direct Chemical Analysis of Solids
Presenter: Gonzalez J, Guerrero JC, Sisson C, Oropeza D, Chirinos JR, Chan G, Mao X, Russo RE & Zorba V
Session: 05f, Room: 118+119, Date and Time:Tuesday @ 16:45 – 17:00

Title: Analysis of Trace-Elements in Durango Apatite via Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Using Femtosecond Laser and Intensified Charge Coupled Device
Presenter: Guerrero JC, Sisson C, Gonzalez J & Foster D
Session: 05f,
Room: 118+119,
Date and Time: Tuesday @ 17:15 – 17:30
Poster Presentation
Title: Automated LIBS Analysis for the Factory Floor
Author: Sisson C, Guerrero J & Gonzalez J
Poster board 230 in Session 05f, Tuesday @ 17:30 – 19:30
Title: Elemental Analysis of Zircons via Tandem Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Author: Pandey S, Guerrero JC, Gonzalez J & Mueller P
Poster board 231 in Session 05f, Tuesday @ 17:30 – 19:30