Visit Applied Spectra Booth #L-D at NAWLA 2019
Presenting the most advanced, comprehensive, and exciting Laser Ablation (LA) solid sampling technologies at 2019 North American Workshop on Laser Ablation

As a proud sponsor of NAWLA 2019, we love you to visit our booth # L-D to discuss the exciting advances in LA instrumentation and products that provide capabilities that you have been searching to take your analytical research to the next level.
We present the following at our booth.
- RESOlution LA Instrument – Highly recognized and proven. Premiere excimer laser ablation instrument that outshines others in its class. Robust design to minimize the cost of operation and downtime
- Lauren Technic S155 Cell – Large sampling area and best fractionation performance. Demo at our booth.

- J200 Femto iX and QX LA Instrument – femtosecond laser pulses. High precision and accuracy. Consistent particle size distribution. Boost analytical performance in every metrics. Excellent solid sampling performance for QQQ ICP-MS, TOF-ICP-MS, HR ICP-MS, and MC-ICP-MS
- Tandem LA – LIBS Technology – Integrate LIBS into LA instrument. Capabilities for covering elements impossible for LA-ICP-MS alone such as O, N, H, F and other halogen elements.
- Clarity data analysis software – Advanced elemental imaging for LA-ICP-MS and LIBS. LIBS and LA-ICP-MS data fusion. Quantitative analysis with traditional and advanced approaches. Sample classification and data correlation. Powerful software that you must own!
Featured Presentation at NAWLA 2019

- Title: Chemical Analysis using Tandem LIBS and LA-ICP-MS/-OES
- Presenter: Dr. Jhanis Gonzalez
- Date: May 31th (Friday)
- Time: 1:25 PM ~1:50 PM
- Location: Boyd Auditorium, Jackson School of Geoscience, UT Austin
About Talk: Bulk and micro analysis especially mapping heterogeneities and species distribution within solid samples is critical for understanding materials behavior, transport, and migration processes within those samples. Some of the most common examples are studies of corrosion on metals alloys, metal distribution inside plastics, distribution of species within rocks, and elemental distribution within biological tissues, etc. For analysis of lateral and depth heterogeneities, laser ablation with a combination of LAICP-MS, LAICPOES, and LIBS offers the ability to measure every element/isotope with high spatial resolution. In this presentation, Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LAICP-MS/-OES) is used simultaneously chemically analyzed and spatially resolved mapping of major and trace elements and isotopes for a wide range of sample matrices. The combination of the two techniques provides complementary measurements for elements that are separately unattainable due to low sensitivity and strong interferences. Two-dimensional (2D) layer-by-layer mapping, 2D cross-sectional imaging and three-dimensional (3D) volume rendering of elements and isotopes from these samples are presented. These results pave the way for improved 3D elemental imaging through simultaneously acquired LIBS and LA-ICP-MS measurements.