Last LA and LIBS Workshop of 2018
About this free LA and LIBS Workshop:
Date: Nov 8, 2018
Location: Applied Spectra Fremont Headquarters
Address: 46665 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA
Time: From 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
For analyzing organic thin films to sintered ceramic parts,
Learn the latest advances in LIBS and Tandem LA-LIBS instrument!
Laser ablation in analytical chemistry is a sampling process; a short-pulsed laser beam is used to remove mass from a sample for subsequent ICP-MS analysis. The use of ICP-MS for high sensitivity measurement down to sub-ppb concentration level has rapidly grown in recent times for environmental, specialty metal, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, and energy storage material analysis. Laser ablation is a great technology that enables the direct solid analysis utilizing ICP-MS. Furthermore, recent instrumentation advance to integrate LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) into LA sampling instrument has enhanced the instrument capability to address impossible elements by ICP-MS (such as C, H, O, N, F, etc). Learn this powerful analytical technology and strengthen your research proposals. Discover how industry is using the technology for rapid QC and making the products better.
What an ideal case – two simultaneous technologies that exist for every laser pulse!

Representation of laser ablation as the direct solid sampling process with subsequent analysis of photons from the induced plasma using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and by transporting the ablated mass to an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) with mass spectrometry (MS).
If you are interested in any of the following topics, come to our free workshop and discover how Tandem LA-LIBS technology fulfills your analysis needs.
- Sensitive C,O, and N measurement in steel samples
- F analysis in geological minerals
- Li and B measurement in glass samples along with other metallic elements
- Main active elements (Li, Ni, Mn, Co, Fe, P, etc) and binder distribution in Li-ion battery electrode
- Catalyst and heavy crude oil analysis
- Rapid mapping of biological and geological samples with Tandem LA – LIBS
- High precision zircon dating using femtosecond laser pulses
Thin film composition and thickness measurement using femtosecond laser pulses and more.
Space is limited, Sign up now.