LA-ICP-MS and Tandem LA-LIBS Workshop in Beverly, MA

Subject: Laser Ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) and Tandem LA-LIBS
Date: Wednesday, July 12th – Thursday, July 13th
Location: Analytik Jena – US East Coast HQ, Beverly, MA
Co-Sponsored by Analytik Jena and Applied Spectra, Inc
Analytik Jena and Applied Spectra, Inc. are pleased to invite you to a two-day workshop on Laser Ablation (LA-ICP-MS and Tandem LA-LIBS) for Geochemistry, Forensic Science, Life Science and other applications.
Topics will include fundamentals of Laser Ablation ICP-MS, product overviews, applications for laser ablation, and hands on demonstration of the J200 Tandem LA-LIBS interfaced to the Analytik Jena PlasmaQuant MS Elite at the Analytik Jena facility in Beverly, MA.
Space is limited!
Wednesday, July 12
- Presentation: Introduction to Analytik Jena by Oliver Buettel
- Presentation: Applied Spectra Company and LA-LIBS Technology Introduction by Dr. Michael T. Colucci
- Presentation: Analytik Jena Company and ICP-MS Technology Introduction by Mr. Martin Bennett
- Presentations from invited speakers on applications for the chemical analysis of solid samples with laser ablation.
- Hands-on demonstration of the LA-ICP-MS instrumentation. We will be breaking down the instrument demonstrations into three 1 hour sessions of 5-6 people.
Thursday, July 13 (optional):
- Dedicated to participants that wish to run their own samples on the LA-ICP-MS system installed at Analytik Jena for more in depth laser ablation experiments.
The workshop will focus on Geologic, Forensic, and Life Science applications but also cover other application areas such as: Plant and Soil Science, and Industrial applications such as Li-ion battery manufacturing.
Presenter – Dr. Michael T. Colucci
Sales Director – North America at Applied Spectra, Inc.
Mike brings an impressive 20 years of sales experience in the analytical instrumentation industry. He received his B.A. and M.S. degrees in the Geological Sciences from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., and a Ph.D in the same field from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. He has published in several scientific journals including the Journal of Petrology and Geology.

Presenter – Dr. Jhanis Gonzalez
Director of Applications and Laboratory Operations at Applied Spectra, Inc.
Dr. Gonzalez has researched the chemical analysis of solid samples with laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and fundamental ablation mechanisms for close to 10 years. He was a Visiting Scientist, Chemist Postdoctoral Fellow, and a Project Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories and has been published in the Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.

Dr. Gonzalez’s research, focused on understanding the mechanisms of laser-material interaction through the use of both LIBS and LA-ICP-MS, has helped Applied Spectra remain on the cutting edge of laser chemical analysis. He received his B.S. in Chemistry and his Ph.D. in Area-Physics Chemistry from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas.
Presenter – Martin Bennett
North American Project Manager – ICPMS at Analytik Jena
- M.S. Chemistry Analytical/Physical from Central Michigan University
- B.S. major/minor-Chemistry/Mathematics from Central Michigan University

Job History
- Field Application Specialist/Chemist July 2006-Present
- Coordinated with R&D during the development of “Opal” ICPMS instrumentation, including building four engineering prototypes.
- Project coordinator during development of M90 Elite ICP-MS.
- Performed repairs and application support for ICPMS at the global level.
- Performed duties as global ICPMS tech support specialist.
- Liaised with sales team during product demonstrations to prospective customers.
- Co-wrote and published application notes, operation, installation and service manuals for both Aurora and Opal ICP-MS instrumentation.
- Performed training for customers, service engineers and factory personnel.
Presenter – Oliver Buettel
Analytik Jena
Who is Analytik Jena?
Analytik Jena, pronounced “Yae-nah”, is a provider of instruments and products in the areas of analytical measuring technology and life science. Its portfolio includes the most modern analytical technology and complete systems for bioanalytical applications in the life science area.
One of the most important business acquisitions in the history of Analytik Jena AG was closed in 2014. With this acquisition, the Company entered the rapidly growing global ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) market. Analytik Jena thereby further broadened its atomic spectroscopy portfolio, and is among the few suppliers that offer all three core technologies for elemental trace analysis (AAS, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS).
Only half a year after the acquisition of the ICP-MS business of the Bruker Corporation Analytik Jena introduces two new ICP-MS products (inductively coupled plasma for use in mass spectronomy) PlasmaQuant® MS and PlasmaQuant® MS Elite.